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When in camp, the width of a regiment was the same as when in formation.
The Reveiller was performed marching along the "Line of Parade," extending
across the front of the camp. From the center of this line, the fifes and drums would
march to the right extent, then to the left extent of the camp, then back to the center.
The width of the camp determined what version of The Reveilly to beat.
We offer these versions based on drum beatings found in the

Young Drummers Assistant; Longman & Broderip: London, 1780.

Drum Tack The Reveilly No. 1 - For a camp 60 ft. wide or having 4 companies

Camp 60 ft. wide having 4 companies

Drum Tack The Reveilly No. 2 - For a camp 28 ft. wide or having 2 companies

Camp 28 ft. wide having 2 companies

Drum Tack The Reveilly No. 3 - For a camp 44 ft. wide or having 3 companies

Camp 44 ft. wide having 3 companies

We can assume that ALL three versions could have been played, one after another,
for an encampment measuring 140 ft. wide or having 10 companies.

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