LVth Regiment of Foot
Originally raised as the 57 th Reg t of Foot in 1755.
The regiment was renumbered in 1757.

In the center of each colour is to be painted, or embroidered, in gold
Roman characters, the number of the rank of the regiment, within the
wreath of roses and thistles on the same stalk. The second Colour to be
the colour of the facing of the regiment, with the Union in the upper
canton; except those regiments which are faced with red, white, or black.
The 55th was first raised in Stirling, Scotland by Colonel
George Perry and ranked as the 57th Foot. In 1757, the
57th Foot was renumbered as the 55th Regiment of Foot.
The 55th arrived in North America at Halifax, Nova Scotia
in July of 1757. George Augustus Viscount Howe was
appointed Colonel of the regiment on September 28, 1757.
Having studied 'forest warfare' tactics under Robert Rogers,
Howe turned the entire 55th Foot into a battalion of light infantry.
On July 8, 1758 during the Battle of Ticonderoga, the 55th
participated in the famed British assault on the French breastworks
onTiconderoga Heights. At a great loss to the British, Lord Howe
was killed while fighting with French skirmishers at Bernetz Brook,
just two days before the Battle of Ticonderoga. John Prideaux,
of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, was appointed Colonel of the 55th
on October 28, 1758. Continuing as a battalion of light infantry,
the 55th was engaged in numerous skirmishes with the Indians, and
the irregular troops of the French, until the French surrender in 1760.
After the peace of 1763, the 55th Foot was sent to Florida and
drafted into other regiments. The officers returned to
Ireland, where they raised a new 55th regiment.
"Five complete stands of colours for the 55th Foot currently reside
in Kendal Parish Church in Kendal, England. Lord Archibald Campbell
deserves credit for this remarkable collection, as he purchased the colours from
a pawn shop in 1888 and returned them to the regiment. The 55th colours shown
here date from 1759-1801. These are unique from many of this period in that in
addition to the regimental device they also feature the Royal cipher and crown."
(Source: Journal of Army Historical Research, #42 [1964], p 47)
Courtesy of Mark Tully of the re-created 55th Reg t of Foot.

The front [of the drums] to be painted with the colour of the facing
of the regiment, with the King's cypher and crown, and the
number of the regiment under it.
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