Every couple of years, or so, I am told to attend the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.  This is the American one.  There is also a "European" one---held in places like Nice, France--and Quebec City.  Somehow, for some reason, I am never given the opportunity to attend those. . . .

      I positively *despise* attending AGU.  I not infrequently feel guilty about this---as I am supposed to feel honored to go.  -But with the gate gestapo, travel in general, and having to go to San Francisco---well, these things turn out to be more than a bite in the *ss than anything else.  I suppose it is enough that I get the job done; once I even managed to bring home the bacon.

      The story of this trip begins with my poor Rosiekins seeing me with the suitcases:


      Hey---where's he going?

      Wait! -Where's he going?!



On to more San Francisco pics, 'n stuff.