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Bob's "Connecticut Connection" Home page | Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums | Corps' Schedule Page | NEW ! Photo Gallery | Contact Bob Castillo

The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Home Pages



The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums produced three phonographic LP records under the title of "Music of the American Revolution". At a later date, the recordings were re-edited for presentation in a cassette format; And, In keeping with the headlong rush of the music industry, we now have the music on CD format. For detailed information about the contents of the Compact Disk
or to place an order,

Bob Castillo

Photograph taken at National Memorial Arch,
Valley Forge, PA. On July 3, 2002

Photo by Jeff Mobed

In July of 2002, in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, The Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution invited the Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums to their city to participate in the events surrounding their 4th of July celebrations.

The Corps enthusiastically accepted and enjoyed participating at FIVE separate events. Arriving on Tuesday, July 2nd, they performed for the Lights of Liberty Show, a Sound and Light Spectacular in the City of Philadelphia.

Then, on the afternoon of the 3rd of July, a performance was put on at the National Memorial Arch at Valley Forge National Historical Park.
This was followed by putting on the opening ceremonies that evening at the Phillies vs. NY Mets baseball game.

On the Fourth of July, The Corps participated in the "Let Freedom Ring - The Nationwide Ringing of Bells" in Washington Park, in the vicinity of the burial place of over 3500 Revolutionary-War Soldiers. This ceremony is performed annually by the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. Individuals are chosen each year to go into the bell tower at Independance Hall and symbolically "ring" the actual Liberty Bell. (On July 4, 1995, the founder of the Nathan Hale Corps, Mr. John Hetzel, was honored by being one of those chosen to perform this ritual.) At the same instant, (2 p.m.) a replica of the Liberty Bell is sounded 13 times at Washington park, and simultaneously, bells are rung at thousands of locations including The Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor ... The National Cathederal in Washington ... The American Flag House ... The Betsy Ross Memorial ... and thousands of churches, synagogues, state capitals, radio stations, carillons, and government institutions including every one of the 316 commissioned ships of the U.S. Navy.
The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums were further honored by the City of Philadelphia by being chosen to be the FIRST musical unit in their 4th of July Parade.

It is very difficult to put into words the feelings experienced while marching in Philadelphia on the first 4th of July after 911. The City of Philadelphia, with it's history and it's heart made a statement to all who would do us harm. Those of us who came and participated will never forget what we experienced on this Independence Day, 2002.

New Members Welcomed!

If you would like to join this exciting corps, Click Here!

Nathan Hale is also trying to locate the many, many former members who may be lurking out there in cyberspace. If you were ever a member of any of our units, please provide as much of the information requested below as possible.

  • Please enter your name:
  • Address:
  • Telephone Number:
  • Email Address:

    When were you in the corps?:

    Which Unit were you in?

    If a member of the musick, what instrument(s)?:

    What do you think of this website?

    It's Great! It Stinks! Ho Hum!

    Do you think you might like to re-join us in our ongoing adventure(s)?

    NOT! It Sounds Like it might be fun! Are you NUTS?!

    Drop a note telling us a little about your life after Nathan:

    Thanks for your input

    Bob Castillo

The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Coventry, Connecticut
cordially invite you to their
- Twenty-Sixth Annual Muster -
Sunday July 28th, 2013

This year's event will be held on the grounds of the historic Nathan Hale Homestead in Coventry, Ct.
Follow the signs on South Street).

Sunday, at 1 pm, a short parade takes place at 12 NOON., followed by the Fife & Drum Muster of about 12 corps at approximately 1:00 P.M..

Due to the historic location and the type of event we hold there will be no "F" troop ending the muster.
Instead we have a formal "Grand Finale" where all of the participating units fall in line together and march on to the field performing as one.
This is followed by the "Circle of Friendship" signaling the end of the formalities and the beginning of the jam session. Those units wishing to participate in the "Grand Finale" are asked to do so in uniform until the jam session begins.

Parking will be available in the field adjacent to the Nathan Hale Homestead as in the past.

Connecticut Landmarks and The Nathan Hale Homestead & Museum in Coventry, Connecticut have created and maintain an Official Nathan Hale website.
Be sure to visit their site by clicking HERE
(Then come on back here by using the "BACK" button on your browser.)


WHO we are and WHAT we do.

The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums, Inc. have been officially recognized as the reactivated 19th Regiment of Foot - Continental Line. Organized in 1965, the group now is comprised of four units: The Field Music (Better known as The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums), Knowlton's Connecticut Rangers, Capt. Stephen Buckland's Artillery, and The Company of Artificers. Their commitment to authenticity has resulted in their having won the coveted recognition from the Company of Military Historians.

The group participates regularly in a variety of events; parades, musters, re-enactments, demonstrations and concerts.

The Field Music

The musicians are attired in the regimental uniform of Col. Charles Webb's 19th Regiment of Foot in which unit Capt Nathan Hale served in 1776. The regimental coat is "snuff" brown wool with white facings. The waistcoat and britches are a buff-colored linen. A black leather stock (for protecting the throat against saber slashes) with a white ruffled shirt, white knit stockings, military cocked hat, hand-cast pewter buttons and shoe buckles complete the uniform. Carried before the field music by the Color Guard are their colors: the Cambridge flag of 1776, the flag of the Connecticut Colony (like the present CT. flag but on a RED field, the gold regimental colors of Col. Webb's regiment, and the corps own colors derived from the Hale family coat-of-arms.

Knowlton's Connecticut Rangers

Armed with flintlock muskets typical for the period, this group represents the infantry of the revolutionary period. The unit patterns itself after what is known of the original unit formed by Lt. Col. Thomas Knowlton of Ashford, Connecticut in 1776, under a commission from Gen. George Washington, to provide a force for probing attacks, scouting, and espionage. Capt. Nathan Hale was on a volunteer mission of espionage from this unit when he was captured and executed in New York. All of the arms,clothing, and accoutrements are of the design of the period.

Capt. Stephen Buckland's Artillery

Patterned after the original unit which saw service from 1776 and 1781, this artillery battery participates in all corps events. It members wear the uniforms designed from those of the original company. The smaller cannon, often used in parades, was cast from a mold made from an actual cannon hauled out from Lake George. It should be noted that Capt. Buckland was later taken prisoner and died on the infamous prison ship, JERSEY. For more information about this distinguished unit, please visit our website by clicking on the cannon button

The Company of Artificers

This group has as it's model, the unit formed by Gen. Knox for the maintenance of equipment. This unit is composed of people who are preserving 18th-century CRAFTS. Appropriately dressed interpreters demonstrate activities such as flint-knapping, pewter casting, candle dipping, spinning, cooking, the art of the apothecary and weaving on looms (depending upon availability of the crafts-people).

If you have an interest in joining us, arranging for an appearance at your event, or simply desire more information, feel free to write to:

Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes And Drums,
P.O.Box 776,
Coventry, Ct. 06238.....

Or... Click here to Contact Bob Castillo directly

Page Created and Maintained by Bob Castillo
Last Update: July 16, 2013