Robert Whittlesey

Bob was a member of the Germantown Fifes & Drums for 40 years, holding the positions of Major, Treasurer and President. His Drum Corps career started out as a fifer with the Miry Brook Firehouse Fife and drum Corps, which later became the Connecticut Rebels. He joined Germantown in the early 1960’s, and was also a member of C Co. 16th Ct Reg. fife and drum corps, which was a Civil War reenactment group. He had to leave both Corps in 1968, due to work and family responsibilities. He returned to Germantown with his son, Brad and was elected Drum Major in 1978, and has held that position since then. Whit was a stabilizing influence in some of Germantown’s most difficult years, providing street leadership, as well as being Treasurer. In 1985, Whit was elected President, and maintained that position to this day. As president and drum major, Whit rode herd on a band of unruly musicians, mediating disputes with diplomatic good humor. Bob was a guiding force in keeping the Corps spirit alive over the years. He endured our practical jokes, such as never listing him as our Major at Musters (Announcers never pronounced his name correctly), or being called SOB (Sweet ‘ol Bob). As Major, he watched over our music, letting us know what parts of the repertoire were good, and what tunes needed work. In a sense, he was like a conductor, "playing" the Corps on the street. As a historian, he knew the origins of both the music and the Corps, providing guidance for all Corps members, both young and old.

The Germantown Ancients will miss him.

Walt Rynkiewicz

Page Created and Maintained by Bob Castillo
Midi file, "Amazing Grace", sequenced by Barry Taylor.