Airports (American airports, anyway. . . .) anymore are just a den of jumped-up low-brow *GESTAPO*---trying vainly to compensate for the fact that they just didn't have much control growing up in the trailer park--and that they couldn't sexually satify a dessicated turnip.  However--every once in a while--someone there does something almost human---perhaps even bordering on the cool.  Here is one such example:


      This picture didn't come out very well (since when do mine ever?? :P )--but here is a cool picture of some type of ship, towering over buildings, 'n stuff.

      And here is San Francisco's skyline---in all it's "glory."

I found this next sign rather strange. . . .

       . . . Particularly, given that it was right next door to the fire station.  (You can just see the nose of a fire engine, peeking out.)

On to more San Francisco pics, 'n stuff.