4/3/05 As the Interior moves on towards spring, there start to be positively insane fluctations in the temperature.  It can be as warm as 45 degrees (Fahrenheit) during the day, and get as cold as 25 below (again, Fahrenheit), at night.  If you can't see some of the problems this causes, you're not using your imagination.  :)

      Unique problems require unique solutions.  Here is something that I'll bet none of you from the "lower 48" (or anywhere else in the "temperate zone," for that matter ( :) )) have ever seen before---a gutter spout heater!!  :) :)

      4/6/05 Two consecutive pictures of absolutely gorgeous "alpenglow."

      I have GOT to get a better camera!!!!

      4/8/05 Warning!! Handicapped people prone to spontaneous human combustion in this parking space.  :) :) I hadn't realized at the time that the photographer's reflection (me :) ) was also caught in the picture.  -That's a cool effect.  :)

      4/11/05 This is just a picture of the cool way that the snow melted.  This thing didn't last long---it fell over by the time I came out that evening.

      4/13/05 This one is kinda' funny.  "Digital Design" had a technical problem, and couldn't print out my poster for the 2005 RF Ionospheric Heating Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  (I have to get a link up about that one. . . .  -One thing at a time. . . .) So, I had to go over and have it printed out on the brand-new printer in the O'Neill building.  They study fish, 'n stuff---and the building is jokingly called by peeps in the GI (Geophysical Institute), the "school of fish." :) :)

      AN-Y-WAY, this is what they did with the packaging materiels the printer came in.  I thought that this was cool.  :) (This was only the second day since the printer had been shipped, 'n stuff.  )

      4/14/05 Yes, Virginia---there really is a Cthulu:


      4/20/05 I had never seen this before---pre-formed sections of railroad track, stacked atop of one another.  Choo-choo's in Alaska are really cool; they have numbers like, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. . . .  :) (Hmmmm. -"Trainspotters" might become VERY bored. . . .  :) ;) )

On to more Alaska pics.