9/9/06 Saturday
In the arctic, one sees cloud formation not seen anywhere else on Earth. Robert: "It looks like a flying saucer!" :) :)
Beautiful Alaskan scenery. . . .
Robert said, "Just imagine the windshear the produced THAT. (!)"---or something like that. :) As I mentioned above, one sees cloud formation in the arctic . . . unlike anything else on Earth:
Again, like a Bob Ross painting. . . .
With this next pic. . . .
. . . For only the second time in my life, I filled up the memory in my camera. ~:) :P I held up the window and said, "This is only the second time in my life I have ever seen this." I meant the flashing ""---but I think Robert misunderstood me.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our little sojourn atop Murphy Dome. I know I did. :)