I was amazed to find that there was a mine fire! Fire!! FIRE!!!! (Um--sorry about that.) in the state of Alaska; so, imagine how amazed I was when I learned that there was _another_ one in the "wilds of Healy." :O

   Then, imagine how amazed I was when I was told that--as of last summer--there were VISIBLE FLAMES AT THE SURFACE.  Wow.  -I had heard about that, but had never seen it.  The location was past the point that can be reached by road; so, I strapped on a backpack (It weighed about 120 pounds--I was still training for climbing Denali, then.), and went for an 8+ mile hike.  -Coudn't find it.

   We tried again later--this time in a 4-wheel drive truck, and actually had a really good trip.  Most (almost all) of these pictures are from that trip.

Abandoned Mine Buildings:

   There were a lot of old, abandoned buildings and equipment about.  There was a modified military vehicle, and a steam shovel that probably should have been in a museum--almost broke one's heart.

   This next one was near an old mine entrance.  I thought I would find the mine fire on the other side of the stream.  I didn't.  The whole building noticably wobbled when you walked on the floor.

Is this the foundation of the original Usibelli mansion?

On to more pictures of "Healy II."