Heather, me, Vic and John---I am trying to use the "constant radius method," to try to find the exact center of the paddlewheel(s).  What works so well on paper. . . .

      Heather and me---I am again trying to use the "constant radius method."

      Carl Anderson and his fiancée (now wife---I can NEVER remember her name. . . .), finished paddlewheel:

      Robert, John, and Vic---finished paddlewheels: (in background)

      Psst. The "constant radius method" of course didn't work worth a hill of bean in "meatspace." The paddlewheels wobbled almost surrealistically.  :) -They WORKED, though! :)

      Faithful companion. . . .


      Sparks were flyin'! :)

      Fine work on the chain drive. . . .  (me)

      (Me,) Drilling the "mount hole" for the main bearing:

      On to more pictures of the construction of our craft.  :)