"This is, like, John's homepage and stuff."--
--"Yeah! Yeah! It RULES!"
"Say ain't. . . ."
Recent updates to this page, 'n stuff. :)
Warning. -Some of these are a little . . . colorful. :)
These are *HYSTERICAL*; check out: unusual_signs. :)
Some funnies. WARNING: Not all this stuff, is for kids, 'n stuff.
Ever wonder what a group of RHINOCEROSES is called? And what's this about a "parliment of owls?" -Check out MULTITUDES. :)
And check out PHOBIAS.
A link to like, some cool links, 'n stuff. (This one will probably perpetually be in flux, 'n stuff. :P :) )
I found this link SOO profound—that I linked it to my "main page," 'n stuff. (!) (And it ends with a hysterical video, or a corgi rolling down some stairs. :) ;) ) (WARNING: Extreme language. :o )
This is, like, a link
to Janis's home page. It's like, cool and stuff. She also did this page.
If you would like her to make a page for you or your company, send her email! (Actually, she only did the original version of the "index page"—and the original RHINOS!!!! page. She has asked me that I no longer give her credit for the entire page---possibly because the HTML is so . . . primitive. :)
Here are some links to RHINOS!
And perhaps against my better judgment, here is a link to my professional web page. This is like, what I do for a living, 'n stuff.
And here is a link to my mine fire(s) page. Including the most famous one of all: Centralia.
The Centralia Geyser!!
If you're English, click here.
I find this positively ASTOUNDING!!
How to Forgive. Some Good Advice.
And here, possibly the coolest link I have ever posted, is a bit on the world's largest, oldest life-form—the Box Huckleberry Colony, in Perry County, Pennsylvania.
Some Particularly Gruesome Puns.
The coronavirus—it wasn't all bad. :) :) And along . . . similar lines: A Moment in History.
My PhD defence, 'n stuff.
This is a titanically cool site: Scurvy Grass.
Just a funny email I wrote: All These Years. . . .
Those Who Have Gone Before Us. . . .
Every wonder what it would be like if the Johnster were in the army? -Scary, scary thought. NO. I mean seriously—scary, SCARY thought!! Well, I'd like to think—that it would be something like this dude, 'n stuff. Something to make you chuckle. ( :) ;) ) (Please note that this link is (at least) "PG-13," 'n stuff—due to language, and what we'll politely call "thematic elements," 'n stuff. :) ;) ) -Enjoy!! :) ;)
Check out the Official Homerology Homepage!
Check out some pics of my various travels.
The 2003 post-comps bonfire! Fire!! FIRE!!!!
I never knew that going deaf--could be so much fun!
Check out some shots of simply _the_ _best_ pinball machine of allll time. :) And on 2/9/19 Saturday, I started the Addams_Family_Pinball_Diaries.
:) ;)
I'm like, a theoretical physicist by trade, and here is a link to some of the scientific conferences I have attended. Some of these are actually pretty cool. :)
And here, _*FINALLY*_ is my web page on the Aurora. And the Aurora Picture Gallery is *FINALLY*open!! And I was *FINALLY* able to post my link: "notes on auroral photography." This page gives both some (very limited! :) ) information on the science of auroral photography, and a bit about the experiences of each night I was able to take pics, 'n stuff. Party on, Garth.
The first gallery was gettin' kind'a' full, so I added a Second Aurora Picture Gallery. Complimentaryily to this, I added a second "notes on auroral photography II." This link--like its predecessor--gives both some (very limited! :) ) information on the science of auroral photography, and a bit about the experiences of each night I was able to take aurora pics, 'n stuff. Party on, Wayne.
In August of 2007, I added a third Aurora Picture Gallery. Similarly to before, there are some "notes on auroral photography III." :)
In November of 2008, I added a Fourth Aurora Picture Gallery. I also added the "notes on auroral photography IV." :) :)
Here is a Fifth Aurora Picture Gallery. For (a little (!)) on the science of auroral photography, and the techniques and equipment I use, check out notes on auroral photography V. For a night-by-night account of the times I was actually able to take aurora pics, check out auroral anecdotes V.
:) :)
Here is a Sixth Aurora Picture Gallery. For (a little (!)) on the science of auroral photography, and the techniques and equipment I use, check out notes on auroral photography VI. For a night-by-night account of the times I was actually able to take aurora pics, check out auroral anecdotes VI.
:) ;)
Here is a Seventh Aurora Picture Gallery. For (a little (!)) on the science of auroral photography, and the techniques and equipment I use, check out notes on auroral photography VII. For a night-by-night account of the times I was actually able to take aurora pics, check out auroral anecdotes VII.
:) :)
And for more kickin' pics, check out Photography of the Far North. :)
A LONNG time in coming, my "dark obsession": Night Photography. (I seriously considered calling her "Night Gallery"—but somehow, that just didn't seem right. . . .)
I am absolutely fixated with this pic: Twilight of Industry. (It was taken near Sherbourn Falls, on Route 2, Massivetwopoops.)
AMAZING noctilucent clouds display of July 28, 2011!!
PUZZLES. . . .
. . . And that link got so full, I made another: PUZZLES_II.
:) :)
. . . And then I made another: PUZZLES_III.
:) :)
Check out a bit on the 2001 Leonids meteor shower. (no pics)
And Check out a lunar eclipse—which occurred on the morning of 8/28/07 Tuesday. :)
And here is my bit on the 7.9 magnitude quake of November 3rd, 2002.
Click here for some *MASSIVELY* cool links—The Red Green Regattas!! :) :) :) :)
Ever wonder what a grad student party is like? Well, wonder no more. :)
This bear rules/Are you curious about the present weather conditions in Fairbanks? :)
DOG!! Be sure and check out the link of when I took care of "Bubbles" in the summer of 2005. :)
And here is a tribute to portly rats--both past and present.
A link to various obscure (and perhaps arcane) accomplishments.
"Herr Cougar."
Colorful but hysterical, check out "The Wildebeest Incident". :) –And along similar lines . . . Gerbil Man. Please note that these two links are NOT for kids. (!)
Just what is sounds like: Unexplained photography.And here, FINALLY is my bush-bashing page. I problably should've gotten this up a LOT sooner. (. . .) Warning: Mild language, and this page goes . . . comfortably beyond "political satire."
You have to see this to believe it!
If so inclined, please check out my resume.