Jim Abels - Snare Drummer,
77th Pensylvania Field Music
Ryan Ahrens - Bass Brum,
Windsor Fife & Drum Corps.
Windsor, CT
Rich Alexander - Snare Drummer
Fyfes & Drumms of Olde Saratoga
Clifton Park, NY
Co-Founder and Drum Sgt -
The Spirit of '76 Fyfe & Drumm Corps
East Greenbush. New York
Gracious Hosts of the Holly Jolly !
Robert Alexander - Fifer,
Comment: "He was a *more* than competant fifer in his youth and as an Arsenault student he wasn't a bad drummer either. A broken neck sure changed things tho...
Heather Van Allen - Fifer, Instructor, Fife Major
Windsor Locks Fire Department Fife and Drum Corps,
Windsor Locks, CT.
Lindsey Allen - Fifer, Ty Allinger - Snare Drum,
Monique Arents - Fifer,
Patrick Arnow - Snare Drum,
California Consolidated Drum Band
Chico, CA
U.S.Army Old Gaurd Fife and Drum Corps
Ft. Myer VA.
Ross D. Andrews, - Drummer
Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Formerly with Hannaford Volunteers and
Pawtomack Ancients
formerly of the Westbrook Jr. Colonials, CT
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie
Sudbury, MA
Rudimantal Bass Drummer
Sons of Liberty
Fife & Drum Corps
Presently playing with the
Civil War Troopers
"and some other corps"
Rusty Ayers - Civil War brass bandsman,
principal musician/baritone player for the Regimental Volunteer Band of Wisconsin.
Snare Drummer
Rhine River Rebels
Former member of the
Swiss Regimental
Fife & Drum Corps
Basel, Switzerland
Greg Bacon - Fifer,
The Ancient Mariners
Maureen Baile-Kachersky - Fifer,
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
Jane Law Baker. - Fifer,
Prescott's Battalion & 1st NH Regt.
Field Music
Peggy (Frazier) Ballentine
- Fifer
Formerly with Menotomy Minutemen, Relocated from Arlington, MA to the Twin
Cities. Currently looking for folks to jam with. Wish all the best to my
fife and drum friends.
Frank Banks - Major Commanding
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Roberta Banks - Music Master, Fife Major,
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Steven & Diana Baretsky -
The Excelsior Brigade, and
Western NY Field Musick, Rochester, NY
Formerly with Towpath Volunteers
Also:Di playe sbass drum and if Steve's not playing a snare, he's probably painting one.
In the family: Alizon - fifer and seamstress, Mike - bass drum
Ken Barlow - Director
Excelsior Brigade of Fifes and Drums.
http://www.fifedrum.org An Interesting Website
Cliff Barrows - Snare drummer for
Connecticut Blues
Other: Business Manager for CT Blues Fife and Drum Corps, Drum Instructor
for Jr. Colonials of Westbrook, CT. Wife, Judy Barrows is fifer with CT Blues
and begining fife and marching instructor for Jr. Colonials, Daughter Jessica
is a fifer and Son, Peter, is a Snare Drummer. Both kids Members of Jr. Colonials
of Westbrook Home phone is (860)399-8536
Kathleen Barry - Fifer
Arlington, Mass
Union Brigade, Norwood,Ma
Tiot Juniors, Norwood,Ma
Dick Batten - Color Guard,
Ancient Mariners
Guilford, Connecticut
Color Guard for Middlesex County Volunteers Fife & Drum Corp for 3 years,
Current member of the Sudbury Militia,
Framingham Minutemen 1976-1983 (group has since disbanded),
Past member of Col. Knox's Artillery Company out of Chelmsford, Ma.,
Other: I have been in the boarding party of the Ancient Mariners for the past 3 1/2 years. In 1993,I was made an honorary member of the 78th Highlander Regiment-Citadel/Halifax, Nova Scotia. I have a large interest in Scottish pipe bands, and can sometimes been seen playing the bass drum for Taggarts Pipe Band at Deep River. I am looking to join a Rev-War artillery group in Southern New England area. If you know of any, please let me know.
Christopher Baxter - Fifer.
Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps
Williamsburg, VA
D.J. Baxter - Fifer,
Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums
Williamsburg, VA
Vivian Beebe - Fifer,
Nutmeg Jr. Ancient Fife & Drum
Steven Behnke - Fifer,
Time Line Field Musick
And 3rd NJ Field Musick
David Bender - Fifer,
Linda Bender - Fifer,
Carl (CJ) Benenati - Snare Drummer
Rita Benenati - Fifer
Jim Benoit - Fifer
John Benoit - Fife in
the Fast Lane
Other: Fife Instructor, Arranger and Author.
Paul R. Benoit - Fifer,
Rich Benoit - Fifer,
Mary Shea Benoit - Fifer
Began fifing in 1962 with the Sons and Daughters of Liberty from Wilson,
CT. Also Performed with St. Patrick and St. Anthony from Hartford, CT, the
Conn Yanks, the Conn Blues and Capt James Buxton.
Jesse Benton - Snare Drummer
Amanda Bidwell,
Maureen Bingham - Fifer
Debbie Bishel - Major,
Susan Andrews Boardman - Fifer,
Kate Bolcar - Fifer,
Ann Boles - Fifer, Drum Majorette,
and Vice President,
Tom Bonomo - Fifer,
Mike Bonomo - Fifer,
Kara Borden (Finlen) - Fife
Kathy Bousquet, - Fifer
Mark Bosse - Fifer,
Edmund W. Boyle
Colin Brauer - Fifer,
Peyton Brauer - Snare Drum,
Kathy Brennan - Bass Drummer,
Laura A. Brion -Fifer
De Kust Broeders - fifre,
Casie Brown - Fifer. Aarin Brown - Snare Drummer
Kate Brown - Fifer
Katherine Brown - Fifer
Kevin Brown -
Rebekah (Bekah) Brown - Fifer
Sara Brown - Fifer.
Julianne Bub - Fifer,
Gail Burger - Fifer -
Bradford Burgher - Snare Drummer
Year_Started: Prior to 1950
Other: Mr. Acton E. Ostling was my drum instructor. I started drum lessons
in the Endicott, NY school system in 1938. When I entered the Union Endicott
High School, I tried out for the "UE Colonials" and became one of eight in
the snare line. They tell me this was the first fife and drum corps in a
school system.
Ralph Burns - Bass Drummer
Jon Buzzi - Snare Drummer,
Michael J. Cahill - Snare Drummer,
Carmin Calabrese A member of the Lexington Minute Men and a fifer with both Menotomy and Sudbury
Dick Carbonell - Snare Drummer,
Lee Caron - Snare Drummer,
Bob Carteris - Fifer,
George Carteris - Mariner,
Tom Cassese - Bass Drum,
Diane Castillo - Fifer,
Other: George C. Moore's Fife,
Peter Cerchiara - Drummer, Salvatore Chiaramonte - Charter Member and Snare Drummer
Sam Chetwynd - Fifer
Georgeann Christiani - Fifer,
Laine Christman - Fifer
Marc Christman -
Sue Cifaldi - Fifer -
Terry Clark - Fifer,
John C. Clarke - Fifer,
Russell D. Cole - Fifer, formerly
with Colonial Williamsburg
Erin Connolly - Snare Drum,BR>
Union Brigade Fife & Drum Corp, Tiot Jrs. Fife & Drum Corp
Tim Connolly - Snare Drummer,
Becky Corbett - Fifer,
Cap Corduan
Other: Cap is no longer in Ga. She is back East where she belongs! Now a professor at Fitchburg State College in Mass., she can get back into the drum corps community in full force. She is presently starting a corps of her own with experienced fifers & drummers from all around the New England Coastline. If interested please contact her.
Jess Correll - Fife
Cherie Costa - Fifer,
Gene "Rudy" Coumont - Fifer,
Eileen Coyle - Fifer,
Rick Crowley - Director,
Serena Kay Crum - Fifewr,
Catherine Cuccia-Cavallo- Fifer,
Dominick Cuccia - Snare Drummer
Bill Culhane
Diana Culhane -Color Guard
Joe Culhane - Fifer
George Cullen Fifer
Dan Culpepper - Fifer,
Ann-Marie Cunniff - Fifer,
Tim Cunningham - Fifer,
Kevin Curran - Fifer,
Bea Cuthbertson - Fifer and Bass Drummer
Vinny Czepiel Brian DalBon
Lyle Davieau - Bass Drummer,
Mark Davis - Fifer
Vinny DeFalco - Drummer Dave DeLancey - Bass Drummer
Jack DeLancey - Fifer,
Ted DelCollo, Jr.- -Color Guard
Ted DelCollo, Sr.- -Drummer
Mike Del Corsano - Snare Drum
Dee Dempski - Color Guard,
Bill Deutermann - Fifer
Joe DiDomenico... - Fifer - Mattatuck
Fife and Drum Corps
garth donaghey - Business Manager,
Larry Donahue - Bass
Francis J. Dillon - Director,
Pat Dillon - Drummer,
Mike Doherty, Jr. - Snare Drummer,
Joan Donald
Ed Donovan - Color Guard
Jeff Donsbach - Bass Drummer,
David Dooks - Fifer,
Danial Dorn - Bass Drum,
Steve Dorsey - Fifer,
Denis Dragon - Fifer,
Brian Driscol Fifer,
Malcolm Duncan - Director,
Nathaniel Ray Durr - Bass/Snare Drum
Melissa J. Dyer - Fife
Charlotte Eastlack - Founder
Patrick Egan Snare Drummer and Musick
Sean Egan - Snare Drummer, David Emerick-snare drummer
Peter B. Emerick - Fifer,
Joe Fergusen-fifer-Formerly with
Arthur I. Ferrante,D.D.S. - Fifer,
Valerie Ferrante - Fifer,
Ferrara, Paul - Fifer, Kentish Guards
Susan Fiato - fyfer and bass drummer.
Kevin Finn - Snare Drummer
David Fischmann - Fifer,
Eddie FitzGerald - Drummer
Duane P. Fleming - Fife Section leader
Deirdre & Jim Florance - Fifer & Drummer,
Barbara Foran - Bass Drummer
Dayle Ford - Fifer,
Bob Frail - Snare Drummer
Don Francisco
Veronica Frawley - Fifer,
Hayden K FullerDrummer for the
Edith Galone - Fifer,
Joseph Galone - Snare Drummer,
Daniel Garvin - Snare Drum
Debbie & Joshua Gay - Fifer & Snare Drummer (respctvly)
George General - Snare Drum, - Jason Giaimo, Founder,
Gary Gillotti Formerly with
Joe Gillotti
Phyllis Gillotti - Fifer,
Robert Ginther -Director
of Fifes and Drums ,
Andrew D. Good - Drum instructor for the Fifes and Drums of York Town
Kevin Goodrich
Theresa Goss - Fifer,
Jillian Graham
Suzanne Grasse - Fifer,
Rob Graves - Snare Drum
Brian Greenleaf - Fifer/Bass Drummer
Jenny Greenstreet - Fifer,
The Ancient Mariners,
Gabriel Gulyas - Fifer,
Wayne GustafsonBass Drummer / Fifer
Rosalie Hall - Fifer, Alumni
Bob Hamje - Color Guard
Dennis Hand - Assistant Drum Major
Maureen Hansen - Fife
Stacy Harkins - Majorette, former Fifer,
Nicholas P. Harrington -Drummer
Christy Heil - Fifer,
Hans Helgeson - Bass Drummer, Rob Helwig - Snare Drum,
Anne Henderson - Snare Drummer -
Bill Henderson - Snare & Bass
Pat Henderson - Snare Drummer &
Hennessey- Bass Drummer
Mary Herring - Fifer -
Wayne Hickman - 13th New Hampshire
James J. Hierspiel - Fifer
Mark V. Hilliard - Snare Drummer,
David P. Hilss - Snare Drum
Brady Hoak - Fifer
Amber Hogberg - Fifer,
Don Hogberg - Bass Drummer,
Jennifer Hogberg
Timothy Holleran - Snare Drummer
Daniel Hornstein -
Snare Drummer,
Al Horton - Snare Drummer
Patty Horton - Fifer,
Amanda Hoxworth - Fifer
Stefan Huber
Pete Hubert - Snare Drummer,
Richard Hunter - Snare Drummer,
Josh LeHuray - Snare Drummer,
Ken Johnston - Fifer,
Heather Jordan - Fifer,
Kevin Keane - Fifer, Patrick Kelly - Director
David Kenderdine - Militia
Susan Keogh - Snare Drummer,
Julie Kersten - Fifer
Thomas Keser - Director,
Terry Klima - Rudimental Bass Drummer,
Karen Khejl - Fifer,
Gerolynn Kirwin - Fifer,
Jim Kirwin - Director & Snare
Larry Kirwin - Snare Drummer,
Cheryl Knowles - Fifer, Shoots a Black-powder musket, Website Designer & Seamstress
Kristopher Knowles - Color Guard,
Stephen D. Knowles - Fifer, Drummer Mark Konya - fifer
Joe Korber - Pipe Sgt
Ted and Laura Kruczkowski
Jerry Krumbholz,
Sarah Kuhlmann - Fifer,
Tom Kuhn - Fifer and Chief Musician,
George Kusel - Fife
Aileen Kushner - Snare Drummer
Alan Lacey - Fifer,
Catherine Lake - Fifer, Lake, Pamela - Snare Drummer, and Director,
Terry Lamb - Snare Drummer,
"BMC (SW) Doug Lambert" - snare and bass
Terri Land - Fifer -
Jim Laske - Snare Drummer,
Rahn Lawson - Drummer,
Jim Leaman - Bass Drummer,
Paul Lenci - Bass Drum,
Jim & Jeanette Ligouri
Bernie Lindauer - Snare Drummer,
Reto Lippold - Fifer,
Joe Little, Director,
Mark Logsdon - Director,
Scott Lonsdale - Snare Drummer,
Mario Lozza - Director,
Stacie Ludwig - Snare Drum,
Gordon MacArthur - Snare Drummer
Jim MacConduibh - Corps Director & Snare Drummer
Sarah MacConduibh - Fife Sgt.& Business Manager
Linda (Ouellet) MacDonald - Fifer,
Thomas Machowicz - Drummer -Snare Drummer,
Jason Malli - Fifer,
Dan Malstrom - Flag Bearer
Gus Malstrom - Fifer, and Director,
Scott & Kathy (Mullen) Mandrell
- Fifers, 42nd Royal Highlanders, Alton Colonial F & D, Lewis & Clark
F & D, And ....
Jennifer Mangione -Fifer
Matt Marine - Fife/Drum,
Cherryl Marlan - Snare Drummer
Steve Masaryk - Fifer,
Don Mason - Bass Drummer,
Maryanne Masterson - Fifer and snare drummer
Joe Mawn - fifer
Dirk I. McComsey - Drummer,
William McCulloch Snare Drummer
Emily Mc Donald -Flag Bearer & Fifer in training
Robert McFarland - Snare Drum,
Kevin (Beef) McGivne - Bass
Dodie McGrath
Laura (Wegner)McIntosh-Young
Melissa & Jim McMorris,
Mike Millilo - Drummer
Lee Millen - Fifer,
Elizabeth Miller - Fifer,
Bill Minogue - Snare Drummer
Bob and/or Vicki Miorelli - Fifers
Ellis Mirsky - Snare Drum -
Jacob (Joe) Mirsky -Snare Drum-
Scott Mitchell, - Snare Drummer, Denise Monigle - Fifer
Bob Monigle - Drum Major,
Tricia Monigle - Fifer, Russell Moore - Fifer,
Sandra Fife Moore - Corps Director
Stephen Moore - Former Bass, Snare,
Section Leader, -Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps,
Javier Morales- Snare Drummer,
Susan Moser - Fife
Jerry & Jane Mullen
-Militia & Color Guard
Cliff Mullen -
Pat & Terri Murray -Snare Drum & Fifer. repsct
Chris Nawoichik - Fifer,
Joseph D. Neville - Drummer,
Frank Nevins - Drummer
Otto Niebler - Bass Drummer,
Robin Niemitz - Fifer,
Steve Niemitz, Director -
Suzette Niess - Fifer,
David Noell - Bass Drummer,
Matthew Noell, - Fifer, Presently
of Austin, TX..
Jack Nork - Drummer,
Roger Normand - Snare Drummer,
Neil O'Brien - Snare Drummer,
Kandyce Oldenburg - fifer
Stephen Olsen - Captain & Drum Major
Anne O'Malley-Quinn - Fifer,
Danny O'Mara - Drummer,
John O'Neill
Erika Orhelein - Fifer
Mary Osborne - Fifer
Other: I am currently a member of New Ark Colonials, Monumental City Ancients,
CSA Field Music, and The American Originals. I am a former member of the
Patowmack Ancients.
Anne Padmore - Member
Hannah Palmer - Fifer,
Carrie Paulson, - Color Guard,
Liz Parker - Fifer,
Peggy Pavon - Fifer,
Priscilla Pechmann &
Jeffery - Fifer and "Groupie Hubby"
Ron Peeler - Fifer,
Joe Peloso - Color Guard
Brian Pentony - Snare Drummer,
John Peragine -Drummer
Theresa Peragine - Color Guard
Mark Perry - Snare Drummer,
Ron Peterson - Fifer,
Audra Janine Pieknik - Fifer
Dave & Margaret Pinchbeck, - Snare Drummer/Fifer
Susan Piscitello - Fifer,
Jon Poindexter Assistant Drum Major,
Sara Poremski - Fifer,
Norris E. Porter, - Field
Musician, Drummer
Kathy Posekel - Fifer
Jack Pratt - Snare drummer
Joanie Pratt - Fifer
Cormac Quinn- Bass Drummer
Michael Quinn - Drummer
Philip Radtke - Fifer
Laurel Ramseyer - Fifer,
Sandra Nagel Randall Plymouth Fife
& Drum Corps
Kim Raseman, - Fifer,
Virginia "Ginny" Raupp - Snare
Scott Redfield - Chief Fifer,
Mark Reilly Snare Drum
Jon Ressler - Bass Drum
Gary Reynolds - Fifer,
Geoff Ritter
Dennis Roberts - Bass Drummer
John Rossiello -Fifer,
David Rosier - Snare Drummer
David Rotan - Fifer
Janis Rowell,. Music Director
David Rucki - Fifer,
Kevin Rudolph - Fifer,
Walter Rynkiewicz - Fifer -
Anthony Saccavino-Snare Drummer
Betsy Sampson - Fifer,
Bill Saunders - Bass Drummer,
Jean (Fanion) Schiavoni - Fifer
Lou Schlapfer - Snare Drummer
Mo Schoos - Bass Drum
Tricia Minear Schroyer, - fifer
Gary Schuldt - Bass Drum,
Trina Schyhol - Fifer,
Dick Scudder the last drum
Wendy Seitz - Fifer,
Mark W. Settle - Fifer,
Michael Severino - Snare Drum,
Rachel Sexton - Fifer,
Ben Shaffer - Fifer,
John Shea - Fifer & Bass Drummer
Stan Sheades - Unafilliated Fifer,
Dave Sherrid - Drum Major.
Richard Sheryka -Fifer, Kentish
Michelle Simmons - Fifer,
Kim Sipple - Color Corporal and learning the fife
Cindy Smith - Fifer,
Pat Smith fifer and director of Colonial Sounds of
America-CSA Field Music.
Tim Smith - Director
Bill Smith -
Preston Smith - Drummer/Fifer,
Timothy Snook
Suzanne A. Spinelli - Color Guard,
Chris St. Peter - Snare Drum,
Stuart M. Stack - Drummer
Kurt Stalder* Fifer-Leader*
Peter Stalder,
John Stanfield - Fifer,
Jack Stecher - Snare Drummer,
Scott Stedman - Bass Drummer
Andrea Steine - Drummer,
Chris Stevens, Senior Musician,
28th Mass. Vol. Inf., Cos. "A", "C", and "H"
John St. Peter, - Bass Drummer,
3rd New Jersey Field Music,
Michael W. Stewart
Ken Stoorza - Snare Drummer,
Jeremy Stuart - Lead Musician,
John Styers - Fifer,
Daniel Suiter - Treasurer -
Kevin M. Sullivan - Drum Major, Michael J. Sullivan ("Sully") - Fifer
Samantha Sullivan - Fifer
Roger Sumner - Snare Drummer, Oregon
Fife and Drum Corp
Former member/fife and drum instructor with the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps, Plymouth, Mich.
Michael Sweeney - Fifer,
Ralph Sweet, Check out his
Bernie Tabarini - Fifer -
Rob Taggart - Fifer,
Andrea Taskovics, - Drum Sergeant,
Steve Taskovics, - Fife Corporal,
Katy Taylor - Snare Drummer,
Tim Taylor - Fifer,
Charles Terzi - Snare Drummer
and Executive Committee member
Matthew Terzi - Snare & Bass Drum
Monumental City Ancient Fife & Drum Corps,
Bill Thomas - Snare Drum,
Tracy Thompson -Fifer,
Diane Fontaine Timper , Fifer, NY Ancients
Sharon Tinkey - Fifer
Bob Ubaldo - Drum Builder/Restorer
Pattie Unan - Fifer,
Ed Ungerman - Fifer,
Christopher Urban - Armor Articifer, Sgt. at Arms, Vice President
Lori and/or Rick Vaughn - Fifer
and Snare Drummer, respectively
John Vecchione - Fifer,
Marla Verdone - Fifer,
Wai-ling Quist - Fifer,
Clayton Walker - Fifer,
Richard Walter - Bass Drummer,
Steve Ware -
Ryan Washlaski - Director
Fred Wasserman - Drummer,
Joanna Wasserman - Color Guard
Brian Watkinson - Bass Drummer
Gerard Wauldron
Fred Weih
Heidi Weisensel - Fifer,
Sandy Welch, - Fifer,
Tracey Welton - Fifer, Young Colonials
Jerry Whitaker - Snare
Joe Whitney - Chief Bugler & Principal Musician,
Arthur Wicks Color Guard
Aimee Wiercinski, - Fifer -
Joe Wilburn Color Guard
Jim Willey - Snare Drummer
Jim started fifing and drumming in 1973 and became the Co-founder and Director of the Adamsville Ancients in 1988.
He was with the Village Volunteers between 1973 and 1987.
He was also a member of the Company of Fifers and Drummers Executive Board between 1993 and 1999.
Beth Wilson -
Bill Wilson (the elder)
Bill Wilson (the younger)Drummer
Clare Wilson
Eda Wilson
Jennifer Wilson,
- Fifer,
Brian Wittman" -Member-
Loretta Wood, - Fifer,
Steve Wood - Fifer, Black River FDC
Ann Woznikaitis - Fife & Glockenspeil
Chris Wyse - Fifer
Jonathan Wyse- Fifer
Eric Yarger - Bass Drummer
Frank Zappone -Marching Percussion
Steven Zebrowski - Fifer,
Steve Zilinski or
Chris Zwarych - Bass Drum,
want to be included,
Spirit of 76
Verplanck, New York
Past_Corps: Verplanck Fire Department Fife & Drum Corps
New York Regimentals
Connecticut Rebels
William Bender Memorial Fife & Drum Corps
Other: Love fife & drum and the music. Am a grandfather with 2 grand daughters who also likes fife & drum.
Played at Disney World and performed solo at Independence Hall. I am on the 2nd recording of the Regimental record. I do not believe in competition. I believe in a fantastic show at a muster for our peers.
William Bender Memorial Fife & Drum Corps
The Fyfes & Drumms of Olde Saratoga(NY)
The Yankee Volunteers Fife & Drum Corp.
Seekonk Mass
Former fifer with the Village Volunteers of Delmar New York.
Fyfes & Drumms of Olde Saratoga
Clifton Park, New York
Currently a Man without a corps
(Haunting Martha's Vineyard)
Formerly: 15th Mass Regiment (Capt James Buxton)
Past_Corps: 15th Mass. Regt. (Capt. James Buxton)
The Sturbridge Martial Band
The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
The American Fife Ensemble
The Ancient Mariners
The CT Blues
Co-authored "Retrospective"
15th Mass Regiment (Capt. James Buxton Fifes and Drums)
Paul began fifing in 1963 with the Capt. James Buxton Fifes and Drums. He
was the first of three brothers - Paul, Tom and John - to enter the Old Guard
Fife & Drum Corps, in 1970. (note: the three brothers were also part
of the original "F-Troop", started by then current Old Guard members). He
has also performed with the Ancient Mariners, the Sturbridge Martial Band,
and A. A. Sherman Camp 18 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. He has
been involved in several recordings, including the first Old Guard recording;
the first Ancient Mariners recording; and several recordings for the 15th
Mass Regiment (including the "Massachusetts Collection of Martial Musick"
by Alvan Robinson).
Began fifing in 1973 under the direction of historian Benjamin Emerick with
the Capt James Buxton Fifes and Drums ( 15th Mass Reg't ). I've also performed
with the Ancient Mariners, the Sturbridge Martial Band, the Sons of Union
Veterans and the 64th Reg't of Foot.
Morris County Militia
Chatham, NJ
Marlborough Jr. Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Prospect Drum Corps
Prospect CT
Part-time fifer
Deep River Seniors.
DRAM committee member
Co-owner of Calamity Jane Creations.
Hanafords Volunteers Fife & Drum Corp.
Underhill, Vermont
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, NJ
The Mount Kisco Ancients.
Past_Corps: Fifer with the Yalesville Jr and Sr Ancients
Connecticut Patriots, Plainville, CT
Previous Corps: Windsor Fife & Drum Corps, Windsor, CT
Sgt. Daniel Bissell, Windsor, CT
Ancient Mariners
Lancraft & Fort Mifflin Guard
Check out the Live video! of Ed.
He also has published a Fife Tutorial with a CD that you can check out RIGHT HERE.
Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps
Williamsburg, VA
Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps
Williamsburg, VA
Deep River Seniors,
Began drumming with the Deep River Tories in 1970. From there, was a member of the Junior Colonials of Westbrook until joining the Conn. Blues in 1983. After being with the Blues for several years, returned to my roots back in Deep River with the Senior Ancients.
Have recently moved to the Concord, NH area, and although keeping my affiliation with the Deep River Seniors and will, of course, march with them when given the opportunity, am looking for other fife and drum contacts in this area. Would like to attend some practices and "keep my chops up" so that I don't whimp out in the summer jams I'm looking forward to so much!!!
Sparklers Drum Corps
New Fairfield, CT
Past_Corps: I joined the Regulators fife and drum corps (Dover Plains, NY) as an associate member in 1997 and still play with them. I also occasionally play with the Striders drum corps (Bethel, CT), and have done so since 1996.
Fifres et Tambours de Dunkerque
Dunkerque (FRANCE)
Westbrook Junior Colonials
Westbrook Junior Colonials
Westbrook Junior Colonials
Black River Fife & Drum Corps,
Claremont, NH
Commodore, Drum Major, Business Manager, Lead Chanteyman
5-Star Admiral, (Whatever THAT means!)
Ancient Mariners, Ct.
Westbrook Junior Colonials
Connecticut Patriots
Village Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, Delmar, New York
Germantown Ancients
Endicott Continentals Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Past_Corps: UE "Colonials" 1943 - 1947 N.A.R.D. 1949 All-American D&B
Corps, Red Raiders D&B Corps Apple Knockers D&B Corps C.A.Palmer
Fife & Drum Corps Spirit of '76 East Greenbush Kentish Guards B.A.R.
2n NY Battalion of Foot
Founding member and Bass Drummer
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums,
Coventry, CT
Presently living at
7230 Willowriver Court,
Sacramento, CA 95828-4133.
Our phone number is: 1-916-682-3633
Kentish Guards F & D Corps,
East Greenwich, RI
Formerly:bass drummer/timpanist with the Rhode Island Matadors Sr. Drum & Bugle Corps out of Providence, RI
Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums
Medford, MA
Lancraft Fife and Drum,
Past Corps: Our Lady of Sorrows jr Fife & Drum 1949-1957;
Our Lady of Sorrows sr Fife & Drum 1957-1960;
Lancraft Fife & Drum 1983-1990;
St Peter's Drum Corps 1990-2002;
Year Started: Prior to 1950. Dick, rejoind Lancraft in December of 2002
Connecticut Patriots
Plainville, Ct.
Chairman, Music Committee,
Executive Committee,
(Past - 2nd VP), Company of Fifers & Drummers. Click
HERE to Visit George's
Home Page(s)!
Former member of the St Benedict's Fife and Drum Corp,Bronx, New York. 1980-1993 And YES!! I'm still teaching.
Bob Castillo - Snare
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums
Liberty Fife & Drum Corps, St. Pete, FL.
Relaxing with a cold one at Westbrook Muster, 1997. This photo
has been called "Essence of Bob" by those who know.
Other: Henry B. Plant High School Band
Tampa, Florida
Taught by Bill Hammond, one of originators of the N.A.R.D.
Westbrook Drum Corps,
St. Patrick's Pipe band, Manchester, CT.
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums
Liberty Fife & Drum Corps, St. Pete, FL.
Drum & Bugle Corps
Westerly, RI
Westbrook Drum Corps.
Sailing Masters of 1812
Essex, CT
Col. Prescott’s Battalion Field Music
Fifing since 1975; snare drumming in 1977. Mostly fifing. Began Rev. War reenacting for Bicentennial and switched to Civil War in 1988. I’ve provided music (usually the only musician at the time) for McCobb’s Company, Royal Irish Artillery, 3rd Maine Regt (CW), and the Societe d’Europe (CW). Have performed with the music company for Mass. II Regt., with MCV before they were MCV (as the Miscellaneous Volunteers in very early 1980s), and with The Fifes and Drums of Prince William III. Moved back to New England (Massachusetts) from Virginia in 2002 and joined Prescott’s in Summer 2003. Also now taking up bugle to provide Taps for veterans’ funerals.
No current corps
Member of the 3rd Ct. Regt, and the 2nd Ct. Regt.
Associate member of Milford Volunteers
Past member of MCV , Sudbury Fifes and Drums, and Col. Knox's Artillery Regt.
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie,
Past member: Patriots of Northern Virginia,
Alexandria Royal Fyfes & Drums
Westbrook DrumCorps
Co-Author of the Benjamin Clark Drum Book of 1797
Music Librarian and Assistant Archivist
The Fife & Drum Museum at Ivoryton, CT
No current corps.
Another Dave Clark Legacy (daughter)
Living in Tampa, Florida
3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry Field Music
Patrick B. Coffee - Snare Drum & Fife,
1796 Tellico Blockhouse Fife and Drum,
Third Infantry Field Musick
Fort Loudoun, TN
Formerly: Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps, Second Air Force Band, Volunteer Fife and Drum Corps, MC Scots Fife and Drum Corps, Fifes and Drums of Freedom,
Other: Musickmaster: 1796 Tellico Blockhouse Fife and Drum, Third Infantry Field Musick., Director of Fifes and Drums of Freedom. , Arranger, composer, fifer, and drummer. Patrick B. began playing in 1943 and was taught rudimental drumming by Mr. Wayne Shields of Monroe County, Georgia.
The Colonial Boys Fife & Drum Corps, Norwood, MA
Connecticut Valley Field Music, Middletown, CT
Sporadic fifer with Ameri-Clique, New Britain, CT
Past Corps: Pawtuxet Rangers F&DC, Sailing Masters of 1812
Bass Drummer
Quahog Qualan, "New England Coastline"
Connecticut Valley Field Music and 5th Alabama
Past_Corps: Nutmeg Jr. Ancient Fife &Drum ,Westbrook Seniors, past Assistant Director & lead bass with Middlesex County Volunteers, 5th Alabama Field Music
Colonial Musketteers
Hackettstown, NJ
Connecticut Patriots Senior Ancient Fife & Drum Corps.
New Britain, CT
Old Fort Niagara Fife and Drum Corps,Excellsior Brigade Fife & Drum Coirps, East Rochester, NY
Youngstown New York
Marlborough Jr Ancient Fife & Drum Corps,
Marlborough, CT.
Voyaguer's Ancient Fife and Drum Corp.
West Lafayette
The Regulators, Dover Plains, New York
Civil War Troopers, Chairman of the Company of Fifers & Drummers Music Committee
Ct. Rebles,
Newburg Contentals
4th of Foot
64th of Foot
Delancys Bergaid Ret.
Resting in S.C.
Fife Student of Mr. Ed Boyle
Future Fifer for Lancraft Ancient Fife & Drum Corps (in 2003)
(Here I am at Warfighter-01, 185th Armor Regiment)
Palmetto Fife and Drum Corps, Columbia, SC
Middlesex County Volunteers
Medford, MA
Camp Chase Fife and Drums
Columbus, Ohio
Musical Director: Great Lakes Ancient Field Musick
Romeo, Michigan
Formerly with: 1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum Corps
Snare Drummer,Civil War Troopers
Fife and Drum Corps
Editor/Publisher, The Ancient Times
Apprentice Drummer
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums.
Former member Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Old Guard
IN California (No other info provided)
Also played with Burgandy Hill Fife & Drum Corp from Meriden Ct in 1976 part time. Stand-in for Lancraft. Retired from the U.S. Army and now resides in Belton, Texas.
North Haven CT
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, NJ
Lee Denoncourt
Snare Drummer
Daniel Webster Fife and Drum Corps, Salisbury, NH, Formerly, Charter member of Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums, Coventry, CT
Monumental City Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Baltimore, MD
Ballywillan Flute Band
Portrush, Northern Ireland
The Ancient Mariners
Windsor Fife & Drum Corps, Windsor, CT
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie
Sudbury, MA
Loudoun Border Guards Fife and Drum Corps, Leesburg, VA
Former drum major and baton twirler
North Branford Fife and Drum Corps
Past_Corps: Middlesex County Volunteers, 1990-1994
Morris County Militia, 1975-disbanded 1981
Col. Prescott's Batallion Field Music
Ayer, MA
Past_Corps: In 1977 I began fifing with my local Cub Scout Pack. From there I moved on to join HM 10th Regiment of Foot, Menotomy Minute Men, MCV, Capt. James Buxton F&D, Regt. Saintonge and I am the co-founder of Col. Prescott's Batallion Field Music.
I am also a proud fife instructor for the Middlesex County 4-H Fifes and Drums.
Camden Continentals
Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums
Williamsburg, Virginia
Fifres et tambours de Nouvelle-France
Maintoba, Canada
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Joshua Dukes - Snare Drummer
The Old Guard 3d US Inf. FDC
Ft. Myer, VA
Tippecanoe Ancient Fife and Drum Corps.
Marlborough Jr. Ancients
Marlborough, Connecticut
The Old Guard 3d US Inf. FDC
Ft. Myer, VA
Past Corps: The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps
Echoes of Liberty Jr. Fife and Drum,
Sewell, New Jersey
Menotomy Minutemen
Ancient Mariners
Member 15th Mass. Regt.
Uxbridge Grenadiers
Sturbridge Martial Band
& A.A. Sherman Post Sons of Union Vets.
Capt. James Buxton Co., 15th MAS. REG.
Uxbridge, Massachusetts
New York Regimentals, and
St. Benedict's of the Bronx, NY
New Jersey Field Music
Yankee Tunesmiths, alumni, Richmond Hill, NY
Fyfes and Drumms of Olde Saratoga.
Clifton Park/Saratoga area of NY.
President, Bass Drummer
and " Fife Apprentice"
Spirit of '76 Fyfe and Drum Corps
East Greenbush, NY.
Yalesville Sr. Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Yalesville, Ct
Black River Fife & Drum Corp
Claremont, NH
Mississippi Valley Fife and Drum
The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps...
Maple City Junior Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Honesdale, PA
Deirdre, a fifer, has performed with the Yankee Tunesmiths, Richmond Hill NY and Bethpage Colonials. Jim, a drummer, has performed with the Yankee Tunesmiths, NY Ancients and Bethpage Colonials.
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums,
Coventry, CT
Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps
Plymouth, MI
Genesee Valley Fife n Drum
Rochester, N.Y.
Fifer of The Old Guard
Originally from New Orleans
Plays Gospel, Jazz,
Classical and Folk Musics.
Click on PIX for better view!
Sons of the American Revolution,
Louisville, Kentucky
Founding member of Patriots Fifes & Drums, Wheaton, Ill
Former member, Westbrook Drum Corps
Individual member, Company of Fifers & Drummers
CONTACT AT 502-394-0284
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
Founder and instructor of the Colonial Ancient Fife & Drum Corps of Endicott, NY
Left area in 1974
Presently:Principal, NEXstep Inc.
phone: (704)905-3597
FAX: (978)389-7889
phone e-mail: 7049053597@mobile.att.net
Black River F&D, formerly with Germantown Ancients...
Bedford Minuteman Company
Bedford, Massachusetts
The Young American Patriots Fife & Drum Corps, Pleasanton, CA
Connecticut Rebels and Germantown Ancients..
Winchendon,Ma ~~~> HE's BAAACK!
Black River Fife & Drum Corps...Brattleboro, VT.
Black River Fife & Drum Corps....VT...
Originally a member of the HATTERS Drum Corps of Danbury, CT.
Midnight Riders Fife and Drum Corps...
Pleasant Ridge, MI
Click HERE for a
ride to our home page!
grew up in Glastonbury ('65-'78) and can't seem to get the memory of
the chest-thumping experience of watching a Fife and Drum Corp march by.
Because I am currently located in the Northwest U.S. (Seattle area)
Moodus Drum & Fife Corps
Long time Fifer in the Moodus Drum & Fife Corps.
also marched with the Deepriver, Sr. Corps from 1980 to 1988.
Washington Park Jr. Fife and Drum Corps. and Target Drum and Bugle Corps.
and aspiring Bass Drummer
Formerly with Westbrook Drum Corps
Essex Sailing Masters
and 10th Mass CW RE-Enactors
The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Ft. Myer Virginia
Past Corps: Westbrook Jr. Colonials from Westbrook CT
Dave Gregory - Fifer
Austin, TX,
previously with Chippewa F&D, Village Volunteers, Wayworn Travelers.
Photo taken summer of 2014 at the Westbrook Muster Saturday night jam session. The drummer is Bob Castillo in one of his better moments!
Way down yonder in Louisiana, Professor of Percussion....
Formerly with Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Connecticut Valley Field Music
Middletown, CT
Past_Corps: Marquis of Granby and 18th Connecticut Regiment
Chief Musician
17th CT. Fifes & Drums
Torrington, CT
1st New Mexico Field Music
Former fifer with the Deep River Drum Corps.
Member of the Company of Fifers and Drummers
1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps
Tittabawassee Valley Fife and Drum corps.
Also a bass drummer.
Yalesville Seniors
Wallingford CT
Prospect Drum Corps
Prospect, Connecticut
1st Michigan Colonial FDC
Sis Hawes - Fifer,
Black River Fife & Drum,
Claremont, NH
Connecticut Blues
Rocky Hill, CT
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Companie
Sudbury, Massachusetts
Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums
Colonial Williamsburg
Alton Colonial Fife and Drum Corps,
Alton, Illinois
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
Germantown Ancients...Now Living in North Carolina...
Photo by Bob Castillo at Germantown Party...
Germantown Ancients
Currently enjoying the Sunshine down in Florida!
Drop a line and keep in touch.
Formerly with Barton's Raiders of Tiverton, R.I.
Presently from Leavenworth, Kansas
Sons of the Whiskey Rebellion
Former Corps:
Verplanck (NY) Fire Dept. FDC 1962-1966
Newburg (NY) "Continentals" FDC 1967
Germantown Ancients FDC 1968-1999
Jim is a Life Member and former 1st Vice-President of the Company of Fifers
and Drummers. He is also a proud member of the "Splendid and Incredible
Knights of the Ancient Order of the Dogs' Nose."
U.S.S. Constitution 1812 Marine Detatchment
U.S.S. Constitution Museum, Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts
1st Michigan Fife and Drum Corps
Sterling Heights, MI
Michael G. Hines
42nd Royal Highlanders,
Lafayette, Indiana
Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps
Williamsburg, VA
Former member:
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Snare Drummer
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Apprentice Snare Drummer,
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Coventry, CT
Ancient Mariners, Guilford, CT
The Ancient Mariners
The Connecticut Blues.
Past President),
Company of Fifers & Drummers
Patowmack Ancients FDC, Manassas, Virginia
Breo Clique 1896
Basel, Switzerland
New Jersey Field Music
Great Meadows NJ
Colonial Williamsburg Fife&Drum Corps
Janesville Fife and Drum Corps
Janesville, WI
Williamsburg Field Musick
Williamsburg, VAA
Middlesex County Volunteers
28th Massachutes co.b fifes and drums
Towpath Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps
11th Michigan Field Music
Flint MI.
Formerly: Great Lakes Ancient Field Musik and 7th Michigan Fife and Drum Corps
Towpath Volunters
Macedon, NY.
Portland Ancient Fife and Drum Corps,
Portland, Ct
Monumental City Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Baltimore, MD
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
The EX 5th Regiment
New Jersey
17th CT. Fifes & Drums
Torrington, CT
17th CT. Fifes & Drums
Torrington, CT
17th CT. Fifes & Drums
Torrington, CT
St. Louis Area,
Unknown Corps Affiliation,
Interested in corresponding with other "STRAW BLOWERS" about civil war fifing.
New York City
Dept of Correction Pipe Band.
Fifer, Bethpage Colonials
Former Yankee Tunesmith
Ted has been a fifer with the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps,
3rd United States Infantry,
Fort Myer, Virginia since 1980.
Former Corps: Spirit of '76, East Greenbush, New York
Fort Ticonderoga Fife and Drum Corps
Drum Major & Fifer
Liberty fife & Drum Corps,
St. Petersburg, Florida
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, NJ
The Camp Chase Fifes & Drums, a central Ohio-based, authentic Civil War-period fife and drum corps organized in 1983. Members are from all over Ohio. The group performs at many historical sites, reenactments and living history events around the country. In 1998, it performed at the Ohio Village in Columbus, Ohio (twice); Wheeling, WVa.135 Anniversary Celebration of the State of West Virginia; the 135th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg Reenactment; Lookout Mountain National Military Park and the Tennessee Civil War Museum Grand Opening in Chattanooga, TN.; the Fifth Annual Civil War Field Music Muster at the Gettysburg National Military Park; the Somerset, Ohio battle reenactment; and Battle of Mills Springs, KY. reenactment to name a few. The group has led the way in authentic field music in the Civil War reenactment community since the early 1980's. In 1985, it represented the State of Ohio at the Presidential Inaugural Parade. It was the principal Union field music unit throughout the grand reenactments commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the American Civil War (1986-1990). Since 1990, the group has performed at the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY.; the Longspeak Scottish/Irish Festival at Estes Park, CO.; Greenfield Village at Dearborn, MI; and at Fort Niagara, NY. In 1992, the group was contracted with the 2nd Maryland Fifes & Drums to perform in the motion picture Gettysburg, and can be seen and heard throughout the film. It is also heard on the soundtrack More Songs and Music from Gettysburg on Milan Records. Members of the group have appeared in other TV and motion picture productions including North & South Part II, Glory, Dances With Wolves, and George Washington. The Camp Chase Fifes & Drums is a regular feature at the annual Gettysburg Civil War Music Muster hosted by the National Park Service each Labor Day weekend. Camp Chase currently has two recordings available on cassette and CD. For more information, please contact Tom Kuhn at tkuhn@zoomnet.net.
Formerly in 5th Corps Field Music; Old Guard Fife and Drum
Corps, Fife Instructor Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, Drum Major
Independence Fife and Drum Corps (Philadelphia area, in Bicentennial);
Currently Member of New Ark Colonial Fife and Drum Corps, centered on New
Castle County, Delaware, but drawing members from much farther..
The New Ark corps has been going since 1975, and still has some original
members. New members are always welcome. We will teach fife or drum as
necessary if you have the interest.
Great Lakes Ancient Field Musick
Formerly of 1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps
Former instructor and member of Tittabawassee Valley Fife & Drum Corps
Co. E, Second Maryland Inf., C.S.A.
Formerly: Lead Fifer for the Red River Battalion Fifes & Drums.(Somewhere in TEXAS)
Hanaford's Volunteers Fife & Drum Corps
Underhill, Vermont
Hanaford's Volunteers Fife & Drum Corps
Underhill, Vermont
Westbrook Drum Corps, Nutmeg Volunteers, Friend of Bob's, etc....
Sgt Danial Bissell Fife and Drum Corp
Windsor Conn. from 1976,77,78
Palmetto Fife and Drum, South Carolina
Lancraft Fife and Drum
Corps_Location: North Haven, Conn.
Formerly: Saint Francis Drum and Bugle Corp, Jr.
Saint Francis Drum and Bugle Corp, Sr.
Westbrook Drum Corps
11th PA Infantry Vols Fife & Drum Corps
Gettysburg, PA
NY Ancients
Past_Corps: St. Denis Colonials, 1961 Chippewa Fife & Drum Corps, 1962-1976
Assoc, of the Blue & Gray, 1990-
Cutters Fife & Drum Corps
Aitkinson, NH
Yalesville Senior Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Yalesville, CT.
Other: One of two charter members, who helped form the Yalesville Seniors in 1975, who has remained active in the group for the past 24 seasons. Longtime and current Director and Business Manager of the Corps.
Snare drumming student of Eldrick Arsenault and Hugh Quigley.
Swiss Mariners
Colonial Musketeers F&D
Hackettstown, NJ
1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps,
Sterling Heights
1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum Corps
Sterling Heights
Swiss Colonials FDC
Niederwil / Switzerland
Plymouth fife and drum corps
Plymouth, Michigan
Green Mountain Regiment
Williamstown, VT
Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums
Medford, MA
Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums
Medford, MA
Past_Corps: Americlique, Regiment St. Onge
Regulators, Civil War Troopers
Dover Plains, NY; Newburgh, NY
5th texas co. E
Fenton, MI
Old Guard
Click on PIX
for view of "The Line"
Ancient Mariners
Monumental City Ancient Fife &Drum Corps
Life Member, Company of Fifers & Drummers.
Monumental City Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Life Member, Company of Fifers & Drummers.
Old Guard Alumni.
Hanaford's Volunteers F & D of Vermont
New York Ancients
Member of the Association of
The Blue and Gray Fife and Drum Corp,
and a former member of St. Benedict's Corp.
3rd NJ
Monmouth NJ
Formerly: 69th PA ( as a drummer)
28th Mass. ( used a both a fifer and drummer)
7th NJ ( as fifer)
Liberty Fife & Drum Corps,
St. Petersburg, Florida
Connecticut Patriots
Don teaches the Bass Drum line at Col. John Chester F & D Corps. His
wife is a snare drummer as is his son Brendan. Sons Colin and Peter are Bass
Drummers and daughter Maureen is a fifer.
Menotomy Minutemen
Arlington MA
Formerly: St. Benedict's Fife and Drum Bronx NY 1969 - 1974
Ancient Mariners, Fifer
Formerly with Union Brigade
Norwood, MA
Andrew Lewis Volunteers
Lewisburg, West Virginia
Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps alumni, Presently in Kentucky....
Dave & Monica McCusker - Snare Drummer & Fifer,Respectively
Both members of the Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums,
3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry and Field Music
Dave was also a member of the Ct Yanks.
Genesee Valley Fife & Drum
Rochester / Canandaigua N.Y.
Second Maryland Fifes And Drums
Frederick, Maryland
Young Colonials...
Westbrook Drum Corps
Westbrook, CT
Former member, Westbrook Juniors
Currently living in Georgia ... may be at Deep River Muster 2001
Fusileers FDC, also associate members, Milford FDC
"Possibly with the Red River Battalion Fife and Drum Corps"
Victoria, Texas
I Have Website at Colonial American Fife Music
Oregon Fife and Drum Corps
Dallas, Oregon
Past_Corps: Middlebury Fife and Drum, Washinton Park, Whip City Diablos, Newington Fife and Drum, St Peters.
Presently living in Florida, USA.
Essex Fife and Drum Corps.
Sailing Masters of 1812.
Sunrisers D & B (1967)
Bronx Post 95 FD & B (1937)
The Ancient Mariners..Or check out
an EXCELLENT Fife and Drum Book by Mitchell and Benoit
8th CT Regiment of Fifes and Drums
Formerly with the Milford Volunteers
C.A. Palmer Fife & Drum Corp.
Palmyra, NY
C. A. Palmer Fife & Drum Corp.
Palmyra, NY
Menotomy Minutemen,
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Co.
The Fifes and Drums of Prince William III
Woodbridge, Virginia
Monumental City Fife and Drum Corps
The Alexandria Royal Fifes Drums and Trumpets
Former -Yankee Rebels (M&M)
The Yankee Tunesmiths Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Richmond Hill, NY
The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Ft. Myer, Virginia
Mueller -
Snare Drummer
Swiss Regimental
Fife & Drum Corps
Basel, Switzerland
Hanaford's Volunteers F & D of Vermont
Hanaford's Volunteers F & D of Vermont
Jim Murphy - Bass Drummer,
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Sara Murphy - Fifer,
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Moodus Drum & Fife Corps
Moodus, CT
Sudbury Fife and Drum
Sudbury Massachusetts
Loudoun Border Guards
Fife and Drum Corps
Check out our WEBSITE!
Formerly a member of the New York Regimentals
St. Benedict's Fife & Drum Band
8th Connecticut Regiment Fifes & Drums
Director, Warehouse Point Junior Fifes & Drums
8th Connecticut Regiment Fifes & Drums,
1998 National Muster Chairman
The Old Guard Fife and Drums Corps
Ft. Myer, Virginia
Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps,
Fort Myer, Virginia. also...
Vice President, The Virginia/DC Chapter
of the Percussive Arts Society,
another fine resource maintained by David.
Formerly with Sgt. Bissell, Portland, Colonel John, , Deep River Juniors,
and Ct. Blues..
Or... visit his HOME PAGE.
Mattatuck Drum Band
Solo Mission
Effingham, IL
Formerly with The Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps
Other: Involved in Civil War Reenacting, and constantly searching for Fifers and Drummers in my area to play with.
The Ancient Mariners.
Played with the Janesville Fife & Drum Corps
AKA Kandyce Jones...
The Concord Minutemen
Corp Website: Click HERE
Other: Serve 5 years as Captain of the Concord Minute Men, 3 years as Music Master, 14 years (ongoing) as Drum Major and now Operations Manager of the Concord Minute Men.
Also two years as Music Master with the Acton Minute Men.
Yankee Tunesmiths NYC,
presently co-directing Loudoun Border Guards,
Leesburg, VA
Lancraft Fife & Drum
North Haven, CT
Comment: I'm a rookie drummer (age 66) with Lancraft in New Haven.
Played with St John the Evangelist (New Haven) from 1943 to 1950 then in US
Navy Drum Corps (Bainbridge MD) in 54, then quit until 2000 when I got the
bug again and joined Lancraft.
Spent all of last year practicing and learning Lancraft's book and have been
marching with them all of this season...Deep River, Broad Brook, Westbrook
(this week) and Sudbury in Sept.
Having a ball.
Kentish Guards
formerly with:Fort Sutter Fife & Drum Corp
California Consolidated Drum Band
The Joe Luzano Irregulars
Other: I enjoy small musters, cold beer, and sunsets away out west.
Germantown Ancients
Danbury ct
New Ark Colonial Fife and Drum Corps
Past_Corps: CSA Field Music-Street, Maryland Monumental City Fife and Drum
Corps-Baltimore, MD Patowmack Ancients-Vienna, VA American Originals (MD
Fife and Drum Corps) DC
Chesham All Girls Band WEBSITE!
Chesham, United Kingdom
Ticonderoga Corps of drums
Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga NY
Prospect Drum Corps
Prospect, Connecticut
Daniel Webster Fife & Drum Corps
Salisbury, NH
Monumental City Fife & Drum Corps
BAltimore, MD
Totoket Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Moodus Drum and Fife Corps since 1999.
Also the creater of the Peeler fife.
Germantown Ancients
Danbury, CT
Morris County Militia, 1971-1981,
The Old Guard, 1981-2001,
Patowmack Ancients, 1996-2000,
Independence Fifes and Drums of Warrenton, VA, 2003-
Currently resides in Purcellville VA with two children, Danny and Allsion
as well as wife Candee who is a native of Old Saybrook Ct.
Plans to return to CT in the future.
Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps
Plymouth, Michigan
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums
Coventry, CT
Regulators Fife and Drum Corps
Confederate Field Music.
Past affiliations: Civil War Troopers, Germantown Ancients, Fusileers Fife and Drum Corps, William Bender Memorial Fife and Drum Corps, and Verplanck Fife and Drum Corps.
Tittabawassee Valley Fife and Drum Corps....Jon maintains a
home page as well as
a corps page with some interesting
PICTURES.. Drop in
and say, "Hi !!"
Art Pope - Fifer, Drum Major
Connecticut Valley Field Music
Shown here in company of Leo Brennan & Scott Greenstreet
At 1998 Nathan Hale Muster, Coventry, CT
Voyaguer Ancient Fife and Drum Corps.
West Lafayette, IN
8th Tenn. Conf. Inf. Co. C
The Sons and Daughters Of
The Ex5th Regiment Fife & Drum Corp
New Jersey
The Sons and Daughters Of
The Ex5th Regiment Fife & Drum Corp
New Jersey
Mary Punch - Fifer,
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Companie
Sudbury, MA
Yankee Tunesmiths NYC,
presently co-directing
Loudoun Border Guards,
Leesburg, VA
Mendon Bannock Drum Band, (extinct)
Former member: Deep River Seniors (1060's)
"Guest" appearances with the Mariners in the 80's
Size 10.5 shoes ?????
Milford Volunteers
Milford, CT
Milford Volunteers Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Milford, CT
Check on the Plymouth Corp's Website
Black Rock Ancient Fife & Drum Corps,
Bridgeport, CT
Janesville Fife and Drum Corps
The Ancient Mariners
Civil War Troopers, Newburg, NY.
Past_Corps: Fusileers fife and drum corps Millbrook NY
Confederate Field Music Lagrange NY
Young Colonials F&D corps Carmel NY
Marcie Reiter - Drummer
Village Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps
Susan Reiter - mommy, fife
sergeant, president,
Village Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps,
Delmar, NY
Connecticut Blues Fife & Drum Corps
Durham, Connecticut
Past _Corps: Deep River Jr. Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Other: Corps founder and current director/president of the Connecticut Blues (not bad for a bass drummer, eh?) I've been playing bass drum for over 38 years and still can't play a decent flam rudiment on the bass yet. Still love playing the bass drum, nothing beats the smell of wet calf skin drum heads in the morning.
Lancraft Fife & Drum
North Haven, Ct.
Formerly: Stony Creek, Governors Foot Guard, Chester,Liberty Fife & Drum Corps.
The Camp Lyon Fifes and Drums,
Pekin, Illinois
View Corp's Website by clicking
CW fife and drum corps 1962 -1965
(Rock) Cuccia -Drummer,
Epcot Sons of Liberty, With Friends
Civil War Trooper
New York Ancients
Midnight Riders Fife and Drum Corps
Pleasant Ridge, Mighigan
26th NC Regimental Field Music
western North Carolina
Former Corps: Caldwell County Fife and Drum Corps (Lenoir,NC)
Genesee Valley Fife & Drum,Rochester/Canandaigua, NY (1999-present)
Feadan Or Pipe Band, Rochester, NY - Lead "Tip" (Snare) & Drum Instructor (1996-present)
Oran Mor Pipe Band, Albany, NY - Snare Drummer
Towpath Volunteers, Macedon, NY - Fifer (1993-1996)
Westfield Fife & Drum, Westfield, NJ - Former Fife Sgt. & Drummer (1986-1993)
New Jersey Field Music, NJ - Fifer (1989-1993)
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, NJ
Sons and Daughters of Liberty Ancient Fifes and Drums
Glenville,New York
Germantown Ancients
St. Peter's Drum Corps
Torrington, CT
Marty Sampson - Fifer, Director
California Consolidated Drum Band
Chico, California
Shown here as Duty Fifer on board the tall ship, Californian
Windsor Fife and Drum Corps
Windsor, Ct
Alison Sastre - Bass Drummer,
Marlborough Jr Ancients
one of the first members of First Falls Jr Ancients
Formerly, in Milford Volunteers
Presently unaffiliated
Connecticut Patriots Fife & Drum Corp
Plainville, CT
Past_Corps: Plainville Ancient Fife and Drum
Forestville Fife & Drum
Sherman Park Fife & Drum
Mattatuck Drum Corp.
I previously played snare drum with St. Peter's Drum Corp, Naugatuck
Fife & Drum (no longer in existence), Sandy Hook Fife Drum & Bugle Corp.
My first drum instructor was Earl Sturtz followed by Jack Larry, & am
presently being instructed by Bill Rotella.
Kentish Guards Fife and Drum Corps
East Greenwich, R.I.
Other: Member of Kentish Guards since 1947,was driving force for the reorganization of the corps in 1966
Past President, The Company of Fifers & Drummers. Trustee,Life Member
Genesee Valley Fife & Drum,
Rochester/Canandaigua, NY
Genesee Valley Fife & Drum
Rochester / Canandaigua N.Y.
Feadan Or Pipe Band
Tenor and Bass Drum
13th New Hampshire Continentals,
Member, Adamsville Ancients,
Connecticut Valley Field Music Fifeline hopeful
Formerly with Milford Volunteers.
for the Union-Endicott High School
Colonial Fife and Drum Corps.
Graduated from U-E in 1952.
Janesville Fife & Dum Corp
Cape Fear Fife & Drum Corps,
North Carolina
CT Blues
Menotomy Minutemen
Arlington, MA
Guilford Court House National Park F&D
Greensboro, North Carolina
Retired Corps Sgt, Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps,
Previously: Beth Page Colonials & Minutemen of Long Island.
Past_Corps: Connecticut Blues
North Branford Minutemen
"guest appearances" with multiple musical organizations
Vincent's 2nd Battalion Fifes & Drums
Corps_Location: Gettysburg, Pa.
Also with the Bourbonnais Regiment....
Young Colonials
Marlborough Junior Ancient Fife and Drum Corps,
Marlborough, CT
Marlborough Jr. Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Marlborough, CT
Connecticut Patriots
Street , Maryland just north of Bel Air , Maryland.
Chesham All Girls Band
Chesham, United Kingdom
The Georgia Volunteer Fife and Drum Corps,
Valdosta, GA
42nd Royal Highlanders Band of Music, Lafayette, Indiana.
11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Fife and Drum Corps.
Apprentice Fifer (Has learners permit!)
Milford Volunteers.
3rd new jersey field music
Freehold NJ
Formerly with: Past_Corps: Fifes and drums of Fort Delaware
Old Line fife and drum coprs of Maryland
Principal Musician United States Vollunteers
Yalesville Sr. Ancients
Formerly with CT Rebels of '76
Swiss Mariners, Basel Switzerland
called "Pappnase",
Snare-Drummer, Swiss Mariners,
Basel, Switzerland
Field Music of the American Revolution
Formerly with Morris County Militia, Chatham, N.J. and
Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps.
The Ancient Mariners
Cmdr. 3rd Ct. Regt.
Swiss Regimental Fife and Drum Corps
The Regimental Fifes and Drums of Fort Delaware
US Volunteers Civil war reenactors
Texas Colonial Fifes & Drums
Former member,
1960's - Connecticut Rebels of '76
1970's - Germantown Ancients
Red River Battalion,
Flower Mound, Texas
Towpath Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps
Voyager Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Lafayette, Indiana.
Sons of the Whiskey Rebellion
No. Branford, CT
Past_Corps: Chippewa Fife & Drum Corp 1963-1968
Association of the Blue and the Grey 1993-1996
Old Guard Veterans Corps
Past_Corps: Former Fife Section Leader U.S. Army's 3rd U.S. Infantry "The Old Guard" Fife and Drum Corps; Endicott Continentals Ancinent F&D (past president & music director/fifer); North-South Field Music (fifer/member); Yankee Privateers F&D Corps (past president/fifer); Village Colonials Jr. Ancient F&D Corps (fifer/member-joined 1963); also have performed as an invited guest on anumber of ocassions since 1970 with the CA Palmer Ancient F&D Corps
Other: Former fife instructor for St. Martin's Ancients Jr. Fife and Drum Corps (Washington, DC), John Hanson Patriots of St. Mary Star of the Sea Ancient Fife and Drum Corps (Indian Head, MD), Grayson's Cadets Jr. Ancient Fife and Drum Corps (Woodbridge, VA), and the Sprit of '76 (Endicott, NY) Jr. Ancient F&D Corps. Co-Founder of Spirit of '76 (Endicott, NY) Jr. Ancient F&D Corps.
Connecticut Rebels Fife & Drum,
Danbury, CT
Westbrook Drum Corps.
Past Corps: Nutmeg Volunteer Junior Ancient Fife and Drum Corps.
Bill Sweeney, - fifer/drummer
Spirit of America F&D Corps
in EPCOT at Disney World in Orlando Florida.
Former snare drummer with the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps
Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps (Alumni)
Williamsburg, VA
Sweethart Flutes & Instruments Web site.
Maryland Fife & Drum Corps,
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Independent, at Present
Past_Corps: The Andrew Lewis Volunteers Fifes & Drums
The Commonwealth Ancients Fifes & Drums
Middlesex County Volunteers F&DC,
Medford, MA.
Also: 85eme Regt. Saintonge, Prescott's Battalion (1775),
1st NH Regt., 1st Foot Guards
Middlesex County Volunteers F&DC,
Medford, MA.
Also Music Master with the 85eme Regt. Saintonge, Prescotts Batallion,
1st NH Regt. T
1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps
Sterling Heights, MI
1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum Corps
Sterling Heights, MI
Monumental City Ancient Fife & Drum Corps,
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
1st Virginia Regiment
Prince William III
Jazz Percussionist
Yalesville Senior Ancient's
Wallingford, Connecticut
Genesee Valley Fife & Drum
Rochester / Canandaigua N.Y.
The Andrew Lewis Volunteers FDC,
The 8th PA (Revolutionary War)
and the 11th PVI Co. K (Civil War).
Mary Turcotte, Fifer,
or her Dad, Charlie Bennett,snare drummer
8th CT Regiment,
Warehouse Point.
Photo taken @ Fort Ti..
Old Glory Drum Shop
New Canaan, CT
Deep River Drum Corps
Deep River, CT
Past_Corps: 1974- Deep River Tories; promoted to the Deep River Juniors the same year. Stayed with the DRJA until 1978 when I marched with the River Valley Colonials (a short lived corps formed by about a dozen former members or the Junior Colonials of Westbrook and the DRJA) for 1 season. I joined the Deep River [Senior] Drum Corps in 1980 before going into the US Air Force. After two terms in the Air Force, I rejoined the DRDC in 1990 and have held at least one office every year since.
Other: I would have joined fife and drum earlier but had to wait until I was 12. Luckily for me, my dad was a former member of the DRDC and had an old metal fife so I learned a little by ear before starting lessons with Vic Malcarne in 1974. Vic had a profound influence on my dedication to the DRDC and the Deep River Ancient Muster
Plymouth Fife and Drum
Plymouth, Michigan
17th CT. Fifes & Drums
Torrington, CT
Lewis and Clark F&D Corps,
St. Charles, Misouri
Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Corps
Sudbury MA
River Valley Colonials
Winnabago, IL
Formerly, with the Middlesex County Volunteers (1984-1993)
5th Alabama Field Music
Midnight Riders Fife and Drum Corps
East Lansing, MI
The Ancient Mariners.
Guilford Courthouse Fife and Drum,
Greensboro, North Carolina
Compagnie franche de la Marine du Contrecoeur Musique
Pittsburgh, PA - Tri-state area
Visit excellent website from HERE!
1st York Militia, York, ME.
Formerly with Chester Fife and Drum Corps and Westbrook Jr. Colonials.
I am currently Lead Instructor and Director of Tittabawassee F&DC, I
helped organized the group in 1986 after the a performance of a pretend
recreation of a F&DC (piccolos and marching snares) performed. My love
for fife and drum started in 1st Mich Col. FDC (1981) at the age of 12 and
lead me to continue to later instruct the drumline in Plymouth F&DC (1986),
and perform periodically with Great Lakes Ancients (1984 to current), and
instruct, arrange, manage,and create performance routines and concerts for
the Tittabawasse F&DC (1986 to current).
Former Hellcat & West Point Bandsman
AZ Scottsdale, AZ
Janesville fife and drum
Janesville, WI
Former member of Germantown Ancients and Mt. Kisco Ancients.
Presently LANGUISHING in N. Carolina somewhere near Myrtle Beach.
Civil WarTroopers, Newburgh, N.Y.
1st Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, CSA.
Fifer and Drummer, 2nd Maryland Field Music & CSA Field Music.
Formerly with St. Benedict's of The Bronx
Adamsville Ancients
Yorktown Fifes & Drums
Drum Sgt./Co-Musical Director
Janesville Fife & Drum Corps
Whitewater, WI
Janesville Fife & Drum Corps
Whitewater, WI
Drum Sgt.
Janesville Fife & Drum Corps
Whitewater, WI
Janesville Fife & Drum Corps
Whitewater, WI
Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums, Coventry, CT
Cape Fear Fifes and Drums
Eastern North Carolina !!!
Germantown Ancients
Germantown, CT
Prospect Drum Corps
Prospect, CT
Formerly with:
Warehouse Point Fife & Drum
Kentish Guards
Endicott Continentals
8th CT Regiment Fifes and Drums
Midnight Riders Fife and Drum Corps
Pleasent Ridge, MI
Previously: St. Peters FDC
CT Vagabonds DBC,
CT Hurricanes DBC
Newington FDC,
The Drum Company Marching Percussion
Colonial Musketeers
Hackettstown, NJ
Tom Zilinski,
N.J. Brigade Field Music-7th N.J.-2nd R.I.
Colonial Musketeers Jr. Ancient Fife and Drum Corps
Bridgewater N.J.
(using YOUR dime)
leave a message HERE for BOB
Company Officers 2001-2003
Executive Committee 2001-2003
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so I can check out the rest of the UNIVERSE!!!